Released March 2020. This is the latest Acappella Praise and Harmony CD to be released. It contains the full group CD and the training CD. Songs Include:
Heaven Came Down
Is It for Me
Turn You Eyes Upon Jesus
There is a Balm in Gilead
Nearer Still Nearer
Fill My Cup Lord
Gentle Shepherd
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
The Great Physician
Lord Be There
I Come to the Garden Alone
Near To the Heart of God
Does Jesus Care
Who Can Satisfy My Soul
My God and I
When My Love to Chrst Grows Weak
In the Hour of Trial
He Looked Beyond My Fault
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Where Could I God
God is So Good
If That Isn’t Love
Seeking the Lost
Jesus Meek and Gentle
A Wonderful Savior